AvPrep Aviation Industry Blog

The AvPrep Aviation Industry Blog is written by aviation industry professionals. If you have a request for a particular blog subject to be written by one of the AvPrep team, please feel free to contact us.

Learn to fly with RAAus or General Aviation?

AvPrep Aviation Industry Blog - Learn to fly with RAAus or General Aviation? So, you want to learn to fly with RAAus or General Aviation... It’s one of life’s great mysteries and one of the $64,000 questions to ask yourself before embarking on the journey to become an aviator. Do I learn to fly in

Tips to help pass a CPL flight test

AvPrep Aviation Industry Blog - Tips to help pass a CPL flight test Got a CPL flight test coming up? Here's some tips to help you pass..... The time has come. You have passed all of your CPL theory exams, you have built up your hours, conducted enough training with an instructor and passed your

Tips to help pass a CASA theory exam

AvPrep Aviation Industry Blog - Tips to help pass a CASA theory exam Need some tips to help pass your CASA theory exam? Attempting a CASA theory exam can be a daunting experience. All the hard work on the ground has to come together at a defined moment where you’re asked to demonstrate your understanding